On Tuesday, November the 16th, our readers were discussing with Courtney Brown about the stereotypes attached to gender gap. Is the man smarter than the woman? What about the cooking? All was ''served'' in the American Corner!
The bookmarks arrived safely from the students of St. Joseph's Secondary School,Charlestown,Ireland. We are very happy! On Monday we shall organize an exposition with Haszman Réka, our Art teacher.
Our 7th grade readers are pen pals with the Monroe City R-1 Schools' students. Monroe City (Missouri / USA) it is just 17 miles west of Hannibal, the boyhood home of the famous American writer, Mark Twain. Read more about the school and the town on: http://www.monroe.k12.mo.us/ , http://monroecitymo.org/ We thank you very much to Goga Enikő, English teacher, for her cooperation.