2015. október 31., szombat

International School Library Month

Adaptability is special  characteristic of schoool librarians because International School Library Month allows those in charge of school libraries around the world to choose a day, week, or the entire month in October to celebrate the importance of school libraries.
The Mikes Kelemen High School Library  organized a book exhibition on the works of Benedek Elek, our great folk story teller.

It become a tradition that our library organize the Reading Marathon during the International School Library Month.
Our 0-4 grader students and children from the Csipike Kindergarten listened the tales written by Benedek Elek, a very important Transylvanian writer.   Students from the 11th grade offered to read voluntarily to their younger friends.

We exchanged our bookmarks with Tin Shui Wai Methodist College/Hong Kong and  Escola Básica de Eugénio de Castro / Portugal. 

Thank you to our teachers, Török Katalin and Haszman Réka Júlia for the cooperation.

About the event: http://www.hirmondo.ro/web/index.php/cseperedo/71842-Mesemaraton-Mikesben.html
About Escola Básica de Eugénio de Castrohttp://www.escolaeugeniodecastro.pt/index.html
About Tin Shui Wai Methodist Collegehttp://www.tswmc.org

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